Maxine Dolphin: Playing to Learn

Meet Tapeko and Maxine, the unlikely bottlenose dolphin duo that are solving problems together. Tapeko is a spry 36 year old female and is the matriarch of our pod here at Brookfield Zoo. Maxine is a vivacious 3 year old and the youngest member of the group. Together, they are solving a dolphin version of a vending machine.

posted 1/30/2018 2:39:26 PM

Ramar Gorilla Turns 50 Years Old

Ramar Gorillareached a milestone birthday of 50 years old this month! Brookfield Zoo animal care staff presented him with a frozen cake filled with bananas, apples, pineapples, and raisins and topped with a yogurt frosting and frozen blueberries. He also was given one of his favorites—banana leaves! #wildlysurprising

posted 1/19/2018 12:36:18 PM

Chicago Zoological Society Takes Lead on Multi-Institutional Cetacean Study

The Chicago Zoological Society (CZS), which manages Brookfield Zoo, is taking the lead in the largest-ever, multi-institutional study of how physical habitat, environmental enrichment, and animal training impact the welfare of cetaceans in zoos and aquariums worldwide. This study will take place across 44 accredited facilities in seven countries where scientists will gather data regarding approximately 290 common and Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins, 20 beluga whales, and eight Pacific white-sided dolphins.

posted 1/10/2018 12:32:33 PM

Gray Seal Born at Brookfield Zoo

One of the last births that took place in 2017 at Brookfield Zoo was a gray seal, born on December 26. The pup is currently behind the scenes nursing, learning how to swim, and bonding with his mother, 13-year-old Lily. This pup is the third for Lily and the sire, 13-year-old Boone.

posted 1/9/2018 12:17:17 PM

CZS & Brookfield Zoo

Since the opening of Brookfield Zoo in 1934, the Chicago Zoological Society has had an international reputation for taking a cutting-edge role in animal care and conservation of the natural world. Learn more about the animals, people, and research that make up CZS here at our blog.

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