Veternary Technicians Off-Site Conservation

Punta San Juan, Peru, is the center of a collaborative field program in which Chicago Zoological Society has been involved for over 10 years. This conservation program focuses on endangered and vulnerable species of marine wildlife such as Humboldt penguins, Peruvian fur seals, South American sea lions, and several species of seabirds on the 150 acres of unique landscape.

posted 7/25/2017 4:40:03 PM

California Sea Lion Pups Make Public Debut at Brookfield Zoo

Guests visiting Brookfield Zoo’s Pinniped Point can now see two 1½-month old California sea lion pups. Until recently, the male and female pups have been behind the scenes learning to swim and bonding with their moms, Arie and Josephine. The two inquisitive pups spend the majority of their time outdoors, but will continue to have access to their indoor area while they get acclimated.

posted 7/18/2017 3:58:12 PM

CZS & Brookfield Zoo

Since the opening of Brookfield Zoo in 1934, the Chicago Zoological Society has had an international reputation for taking a cutting-edge role in animal care and conservation of the natural world. Learn more about the animals, people, and research that make up CZS here at our blog.

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