Orphaned California Sea Lions Have a Forever Home at Brookfield Zoo

In 2018, two California sea lions were found stranded in different spots along the Pacific Coast. That started both of these orphans on a journey that has led to their recent arrival at Brookfield Zoo where they've finally found a forever home. Carolyn and Sabiena are expected to make their debut to zoo guests at Pinniped Point in mid-October.

posted 9/24/2019 3:54:59 PM

Expanding Chicago Zoological Society's Welfare Monitoring Toolkit

Chicago Zoological Society's Animal Welfare Research Team's main goals is to identify new methods for continuously improving the welfare of individual animals. That's why they're focused on tracking physiological biomarkers, such as the glucocorticoid:DHEA ratio, to provide insight into an animal’s physical, mental and emotional health. Our Endocrinology Lab has already tracked glucocorticoid metabolites for over 50 species.

posted 9/23/2019 11:39:04 AM

Hamill Family Nature Plaza Offers Relaxation, Discovery, & Sustainability

Access to outdoor spaces, parks, and greenspaces can be a challenge for many Americans, especially those living in urban areas. That's a major reason why the Chicago Zoological Society has spent the last few years investing in a new learning, fun, and exploration space at Brookfield Zoo.

posted 9/20/2019 12:49:43 PM

10 Ways to Enjoy Brookfield Zoo When it Rains

The sun is shining. There isn’t a cloud in the sky. The weather is warm (but not too hot). It certainly sounds like the perfect day to go to Brookfield Zoo. But did you know how much fun you can have at the zoo even when it's raining? Here are some (but not all) of the ways you can enjoy a day at Brookfield Zoo even in bad weather.

posted 9/3/2019 10:24:50 AM

CZS & Brookfield Zoo

Since the opening of Brookfield Zoo in 1934, the Chicago Zoological Society has had an international reputation for taking a cutting-edge role in animal care and conservation of the natural world. Learn more about the animals, people, and research that make up CZS here at our blog.

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