Conservation Flying Company LightHawk Helps Brookfield Zoo Relocate North American River Otter

On Monday July 9 Kate, a North American river otter born at Brookfield Zoo, received a first-class trip to Calgary Zoo thanks to the conservation flying company LightHawk. The nonprofit aims to accelerate conservation through flight. A huge thanks goes to Pilot Chuck Yanke, a LightHawk volunteer who generously donated his plane and time to fly Kate to Canada. Accompanying Yanke was Julie Tromblay, also a LightHawk volunteer who was the copilot.

posted 8/15/2018 12:47:59 PM

CZS & Brookfield Zoo

Since the opening of Brookfield Zoo in 1934, the Chicago Zoological Society has had an international reputation for taking a cutting-edge role in animal care and conservation of the natural world. Learn more about the animals, people, and research that make up CZS here at our blog.

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