All programming presented by the King Conservation Leadership Academy Community Engagement team of Brookfield Zoo Chicago aims to provide learning opportunities that support lifelong STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) education. This is done by supporting individuals in:
• Developing interest in environmental science and conservation;
• Understanding environmental science and conservation knowledge;
• Engaging in scientific reasoning related to environmental science and conservation;
• Reflecting on their own process of learning about environmental science and conservation;
• Engaging in scientific practices used in environmental science and conservation; and
• Identifying as a member of the global pro-environmental community by contributing to environmental science and conservation action in our programs and in their everyday lives.
The Community Engagement programs, which may also be referred to as the Early Learner programs, of the King Conservation Leadership Academy are made possible, in part, with support from: the King Family Foundation, BNSF Railway Foundation, FedEx Corporation, the Julius N. Frankel Foundation, the Gerald A. and Karen A. Kolschowsky Foundation Inc., the Edmond and Alice Opler Foundation, Peoples Gas Community Fund, the Schmidgall Family Foundation, the Dr. Scholl Foundation, and Wintrust Financial Corporation.
The King Conservation Leadership Academy is a programmatic suite that serves individuals from 'Cradle to Gray,' and it is just one of the many offerings from the Education & Community Engagement department of Brookfield Zoo Chicago.